Company Culture and “The ABC’s”

Culture is a hot buzzword in business today.  I think we all agree that it is important for business success, but the process of creating and sustaining a culture is another matter.  A culture will naturally form over time if left to its own devices. As an engineering-oriented person, I naturally approach the problem from an analytical standpoint. What factors influence culture formation and how can a leader shape the process?  

image1 (1) I believe the process begins with the actions and behaviors of leadership. A leader must be the model for behavior they wish to see.  From there, it trickles down through the leadership ranks.  Of course, this flow can be interrupted at any point by an ineffective manager and the desired culture may not take shape.   

As a CEO, I believe the first step is to establish the behavioral expectations of the organization.  The tool I use to lay this framework is the “General Die Casters ABCs.” These are the attitudes, behaviors, and communication that leaders should strive for.  I compiled this list from my personal experiences and advice from mentors over the years.  See the entire list below. 

These ideas are certainly not my own, but together, they reflect the ideals I believe are important to create a successful company culture.

I will explore these topics in more detail in future blogs. Subscribe to learn more about General Die Caster’s quest to create and sustain an effective company culture!


About the Author:

Brian Lennon